September 22nd 2014 - Helios Version
New Features:
- Added Delete Employee role item (user can have access to employee file but not be able to delete employees).
- New client summary tab in the POS (Service/Product Revenue and Div/Dept Summary).
- Removed “other" timer options from timer server.
- Disabled the ability to change amount when swiping a card.
- Update linked account location when EFT location is changed.
- Removed the cancel button when prompted for tip or cashback (also, the buttons are now named Tip and Cashback rather than yes and no).
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed suspended transaction void error.
- Fixed EFT voids(freeze/unfreeze, cancel, upgrade/downgrade).
- All EFT codes can be voided before payment rolling back any changes. After payment (or ticket was suspended), only EFT open codes can be voided.
- Fixed split payment bug (cashback/tip).
- Fixed contract/release bug not saving when clearing client.