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Helios Update
June 10th 2021 -

 New Features: 

  • Added Ingenico iSC Touch 480 Skin Type Questionnaire Feature.
    This new feature allows you to provide a Skin-Type Questionnaire to your clients, recording the information, which allows your employees to suggest appropriate products, beds, and time.


  • Added Bonus Bucks and Prepaid Dollars summaries to the POS.
  • Separated EFT batch history into Regular Batches and Resubmit Batches.Now returns the last 31 for each with a Load More button to retrieve the next 31.
  • Updated method to find and replace word merge tags for digital releases and contracts.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug saving client skin type in BO when require skin type enabled
  • When tanning on a specific membership and the client has more than one membership and one of the memberships has flex start that has not started, flex was not being started
  • Fixed bug with flex start. When checking the flex start box, the textbox for entering the days valid for the package or membership was hidden behind another, thus causing an error when saving.
  • Fixed bug when selling an EFT and the sales code is overriding the membership expiration date. The membership was being saved correctly but the EFT was ignoring the override and just using the expiration date set on the membership.
  • Fixed bug when using multiple EFT related sales codes and voiding. Previously, when using an EFT sales code to either cancel, freeze, unfreeze, up/down grade, or transfer in the same ticket, and when voiding any one of them, the last code entered was being used for the void.
  • Fixed POS cash discount balance payment bug when sales code had constant price set.
  • Fixed bug in BO when deleting an EFT balance. It was not removing the EFT reject record.
  • Fixed POS EFT dynamic cutoff bug.
  • Fixed bug when freezing an EFT causing the freeze end to be set in the 1900s.
  • Fixed BO bug not allowing negative cutoff.
  • Fixed BO index bug when changing workstation system file.
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  • sales: (888) 936-5160
  • support: (317) 554-9911

8001 Woodland Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46278       info@gohelios.com

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